Sunday, November 9, 2014

Moments of Misery

     I went through this very thing with Nine Lashes. We had launched a facebook merchandise store in the effort to generate more revenue. But we were not ready for that in the slightest. We weren't exactly the most responsible group of individuals to begin with. Eventually, we found ourselves behind on orders, out of items that were being ordered, refunding frustrated customers left and right.
     There is simply NO WAY we were growing through all of that. This video really confirmed what I was feeling at the time. I eventually took the store down because of the impression I was worried about it making on our fans.
     But this concept really goes beyond just our merch store. Sometimes, I wonder if there is anything we can do differently than other bands? I wonder if there's a model we could adopt that allows us to sell our albums for cheaper than anyone else AND have them be ultra rewarding? How can we make people cherish our albums, beyond making awesome music? An interaction of some sort, maybe? A puzzle with a prize? In any case, I really like the idea of capitalizing on the "moments of magic" concept.

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