Sunday, September 14, 2014

An Idea For The Online Store

     We're getting ready to launch our online store, and it's got me racking my brain for ideas on getting the word out. A Facebook post will obviously get things started, but what if there was a way to extend the word beyond the followers reached by the post? We have 72,000 likes on Facebook, but our very best posts end up reaching less than half of that.
     So I think I have an idea to expand those numbers. When customers purchase something on our store, I need to find a way to implement some sort of reward for sharing that purchase on their social media sites. The hope is that friends of friends of friends will see our merchandise and find themselves wanting some for themselves. =]
     Another avenue we can pursue, is having some sort of membership that our fans can join. They could get discounts for referring people to our store and our brand in general. The hurdle here is the logistics of keeping up with who is a member and who suggested who. If we could figure that out, I think it would ramp up our brand awareness, and our sales would greatly increase.

     In a very A.D.D. side note, I can't believe Apple didn't name their smart watch the "iWatch." Maybe they're trying to build the "Apple" brand even more than it already is and they feel that the i-naming system lessens that? I don't know.

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