Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Good Name

     A good name is just plain valuable. At last night's show, I saw a flyer taped to the wall inside an elevator advertising a concert that featured an artist name "Nicole Croteau and The Era." The name stuck out to me like a sore thumb.
     When it comes to being an artist, there are two sides to the coin: artistry and business. I'm sure their name has plenty of artistic merit. It gives me the impression that they are incredibly deep and meaningful in their music, but what it doesn't do is help me remember them. I'm not sure I could have looked them up later even if I had wanted to.
     This is where the concept of marketing ties in. Brand awareness. You want your product or company to be on people's minds as often as possible. While no form of mind control currently exists (whoever invented that would be RICH!), I feel there are plenty of steps we can take to make sure our name is memorable and triggers good feelings.
     Sometimes I worry about our name, Nine Lashes. I think we get written off as a metal band, sometimes, and we've honestly kinda shot ourselves in the foot with our imagery, as well. Most of our photos look militaristic. And I think there's this other side of my band that people don't get to enjoy simply because they may move on after reading the name or seeing our picture. Definitely something to keep in mind for our next album.

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