Sunday, August 31, 2014

Under-utilized Business Opportunities

          I've spent the past week with a guy who makes his living with marketing. He was basically handed a concept for a suicide prevention and awareness ministry, and told to make it grow. His path crossed ours and we're now partnering to help make an impact on kids.
          But the time I've spent with the guy has had some other major benefits. It made me realize how BEHIND we were in terms of growth for our business. We're a band. We write music and we're all A.D.D. That equals out to not a lot getting done a good bit of the time. What must be done, gets done. But there are so many under-utilized opportunities.
          For instance, Youtube. On the road, the guys and I always get into crazy situations. Seems like everywhere we go, we run into people willing to take us snowmobiling, four-wheeler riding, golfing, eating, and anything else you can think of. There are plenty of opportunities to record footage of our "adventures" and post the videos for our fan base to follow. It could help generate web traffic to our website, making it more valuable digital real estate for future sponsors.
          Facebook is another. Sure we post statuses occasionally, but we're far from consistent. Making sure we post regularly and that our posts are of great quality, we're able to grow and leverage our audience for different purposes. Say, for instance, we were putting a tour together and we were seeking sponsors. We could post to Facebook asking who was planning to come out, and use the analytics of that post in our pitch to, say, Monster Energy Drinks.
          In short, this guy has gotten my wheels turning, and I'm excited to come up with little things we can do to really grow this thing beyond where we are, now.

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